Intranet CREPUQ

QSEP - Online Help for Advisors outside Québec


Definitions for File Status and Decisions

- Definitions for file status

  • To be completed: application that a student has started but not finished.
  • To validate: application that a student has completed and confirmed; the host institution advisor needs to authorize or reject the application.
  • Rejected: application that a student has completed and confirmed but the home institution advisor has rejected, or an application that a student has started but not finished and the advisor has rejected it.
  • Under review: application that has been authorized by the home institution advisor and is waiting for a decision by the host institution.

- Definitions of decisions

a) accepted: student who has received an offer of admission from a host institution
b) registered: admitted student who has registered at the host institution
c) withdrawals (c + a or d): a student may withdraw:

  • after being admitted but before registering (withdrew after admission); or
  • after being refused, if the student does not wish to have the application sent to the next choice (withdrew after refusal); or
  • while waiting for a decision (withdrew before admission)

d) refused: the student was refused after his application was reviewed
e) dropped out (b + c): a registered student who dropped out after beginning his study program at the host institution.


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